Mar 31, 2008

TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM Special Exhibition National Treasures from Yakushi-ji Temple

TOKYO NATIONAL MUSEUM Special Exhibition National Treasures from Yakushi-ji Temple

I went to Tokyo National Museum. It is holding a special exhibition "National Treasures from Yakushi-ji Temple." The exhibition features the bronze sculptures of the deities Nikko Bosatsu (Suryaprabha) and Gakko Bosatsu (Candraprabha) from the Yakushi-ji Temple in Nara. I was very impressed because I could view all sides of these two statues. After that, I had a fun time walking around the museum garden and viewing cherry blossoms.

Mar 22, 2008

Banana Vinegar

I made Banana Vinegar. I heard that it’s effective against a pollen allergy. I have terrible hay fever this time of the year. I hate this season! I don’t know if I can get a good result but I have to try it out anyway. I wish I could have a refreshing spring next year.

Recipe for Banana Vinegar
Ingredients: 2 cups black rice vinegar, 1 cup brown sugar, 3 ripe bananas

1. Cut bananas into round slices.
2. Pour black rice vinegar into a clean jar and add bananas and brown sugar into it.
3. Microwave it without the cover in 1 minute.
4. After 1 week, pick up bananas (you can eat it) and store the jar in refrigerator.

To use it as a beverage, allow 2 tablespoons per 1 cup water, milk or yogurt. Please try out it!

Mar 17, 2008

Sulky modern youths return | The Japan Times Online

Sulky modern youths return | The Japan Times Online

Yesterday, I went to see a new Chelfitsch play "Free Time"at Super Deluxe in Roppongi. It was so calm but very stimulating. Mr. Okada who is founder of this company seemed to trim and condense his play more than before.

They will tour in Singapore, Europe and United States in the next several months. Don't miss it!

Mar 15, 2008

Book Review Blog

Book Review Blog

I'm taking part in the project "Book Review Blog" which introduces Japanese famous bloggers' book reviews in English. I translate their articles into English. I'd be glad if you enjoy it. Please try to access it.

Lexington | Obamaworld versus Hillaryland |

Lexington | Obamaworld versus Hillaryland |

This Article says "Wine-track" Democrats support Obama and "Beer-track" Democrats support Clinton. Mr. Obama's supporters are young and liberal elite. Ms. Clinton's supporters are old and white working-class people. This battle is so bitter because it is a battle over culture.

I think Japan is not class society currently, though there is the rich and the poor. But if the gap between rich and poor is widened anymore and fixed, Japan would become class society someday. It's a possiblity but I hope not. Because the huge gap brings conflicts and feelings of hate.

In strictly-classified society, the lower class and the upper class aren't mixed absolutely, even don't meet each other. I feel something is wrong when I see such situation in other countries.

Mar 14, 2008


Hello, everyone. I'm mft. I live in Tokyo.