May 23, 2010

【Fan Acc】Onew's musical "Hey Bro!!"(The brothers were brave)


コエックスというモールの別棟のビルの5階が会場で、 入ってすぐオニュ(とその他の出演者)の看板を見て、またまた沸騰。お腹空いてたことも忘れて写真をとる。で、チケット引換。なんと4列目!ぎゃーぎゃーぎゃー。さすがに何か食べた方がよいので、併設のカフェでサンドイッチとコーヒー。ドキドキしつ開演を待つ。中に入ってみたら!ほんとーーーーーに舞台に近い!びっくり!会場自体も800席しかない小さなところで、舞台と1列目の距離もすごく近い。あーどうしようーと心の準備もできないままに開演。


飛んだり跳ねたり、怒ったり笑ったり、寝っ転がったりいろんなオニュが見られて楽しかったー。オニュってすごく芸事の才能ある人だってことを改めて実感。以前からバラエティ番組などで見るリアクションからそうだろうとは思ってたんだけど、こんなにもショービズ身体能力が高いとは。そしてもちろんあの声。聞くだけですぐにオニュの声ってわかる独特の何とも言えない心地よい声。はぁ~意味わからなくてもこんなに聞き惚れてしまうのだから、わかったらどんなにいいか。これからどんどん活躍の場が 広がっていくんだろうなあとなんだかワクワクした。終わってから放心状態で、地面の数センチ上をふわふわ漂ってる感覚がなかなか抜けなかった。

I went to Onew's musical "The brothers were brave" at Coex Atrium on May 23. When I entered the floor and saw Onew's display, I forgot my hunger! I received my ticket at the counter. Wow!!!! It's in the first four row!!! Incredible! The theater was small with capacity of 800 people.   

After the opening performance, Onew appeared! He was so slender, his face was so small, his skin was silky smooth, his hair was shiny.... He was so so so handsome! I was so happy and I wanted to stare him forever.... I couldn't understand Korean but I could enjoy this musical and the time flew by quickly. During a curtain call, we were allowed to take pictures. But unfortunately I didn't have high quality camera. TT Instead, I tried to record Onew on my mind.

I was so satisfied with watching Onew's various expressions! I think Onew is so talented at show business. His physical abilities will promote his career. Of course, his soft and unique voice is excellent, too!  I think he become a multitalented entertainer in future. After the musical, I was walking on air.


luna_dic said...

OMG! yeah, i totally agree with you, he's so talented i hope he could acting as an drama actor, i do really really hope
thank you for sharing ^^
i envy u, ur so lucky ^^

Raffaella said...

wow, you're so lucky that you saw Onew! And I'm waiting for the new post :)

mft said...

Thank you for visiting my blog! I hope to see Onew's drama, too!

Thank you for visiting again! I'll keep writing continuously as possible ;)

Lilpistachio said...

Hi Mft. I noticed you said you live in Japan. How did you get to see Onew's musical then?

You are so lucky. I live in the US so I probably never will see it (unless it comes out on DVD)