Jan 31, 2010

Fan Account Part 2 of SHINee Fan Meeting in Nagoya

Answering some questions from the fans
(SHINee reads out the questions in Japanese.)

MC: Taemin-san, which artists do you like? Please sing one phrase of his song.
Taemin: My favorite artist is Micheal Jackson. "You are not alone" (He sang only a syllable shyly. Too short but so cute.)

MC: Key-san, what is the best way to relax before a exam?
Key: Because we are in the group, we call out all together to relax. But you have to take the exam alone....I don't know....Listening to music? What do you think Minho?
Minho: A feeling of tension is important. I recommend you do your best with a feeling of moderate tension.
(The audience admired for his mature attitude.)

MC: Onew-san, what Korean dishes do you recommend?
(Onew practiced speaking Japanese during other member's turn)
Onew: Now I practiced reading out to prevent from reading badly in Japanese like Taemin. Hahaha. Takoyaki is very delicious. It's sold on the streets as in Japan.
 (He is joking. Takoyaki is Japanese food.)
MC: Please become more aware of tourism service.
Jonghyun: It isn't helpful. Sushi is good, too in Korea.
Onew: Korean grape fruits juice is delicious, too.(laughing) I'm just joking.
MC: There are all of them in Japan!
Onew: The dishes containing Kimchi is so nice though it's hot. Kimchi Jjigae and Kimchi Jjijim are very delicious.
Jonghyun: Bulgogi is good, too.
Minho: Tteokbokki is good. It's sold from a stand on the street.
MC: Do you eat the food at a stand on the street?
Minho: Our manager buy it for us. We take it home and eat together.
(Then Onew passed his bottle of water to Taemin!)

MC: Minho-san, do you have remembered Japanese phrases or jokes recently?
Minho: Mmmmm
Key: Ah, Saikin(Recently) Jin-nai Tomonori...(He is Japanese comedian.)
(Onew imitated Jin-nai's motion and sound.)
Key: Recently, I saw Jin-nai's comedy performance. He talked with a puppy in his performance. We haven't seen that kind of performance in Korea. He invented a new way of comedy performance.
Onew: Honto ni (Really) it was interesting. I laughed till my sides ache.
Key: A series of his comedy performances was broadcasted on TV program. We saw all of it. I think this TV program is Enta-no-Kamisama (Japanese comedy show). For example, the scene of taking a driving test, eye test.........
Taemin: We also saw Japanese candid camera show.
Key: It's Dou-moto Kyou-dai. Kinki Kids' TV show. Tsuyoshi? Oh! Koichi-san, he is one of Kinki Kids was surprised by candid camera.
Taemin: His car exploded.
(Onew bursted into laughing.)
Key: It's large scale project. I'm surprised.
MC: Hey! Looks like you're chatting in your dormitory! By the way, Minho was asked about this question.
Minho: I'm still learning Japanese gags.
MC: What about non-gag Japanese phrases?
Onew: Tsuyoshi
Minho: Mmmm Wakarimashita ("I understand.")

MC: Finally, Jonghyun-san, the number of male fans has increased in Japan. Do you have male fans in Korea? How do you feel about male fan?
(Jonghyun read it without fluency. Minho says "Read it again!")
Jonghyun: We have many male fans in Korea. I hope they continue our supporter.
(Male fans cheered.)
All: Arigato-(Thank you)
Onew: I'm really grateful to them. Because they have strong voices. I'm happy.
(Male fans responded.)
Key: Though there is a few male fans in the hall, I can find them because of their strong voices. That's good.

(SHINee exits. The last Asian promotion's video and MV were projected.) 

1 comment:

nick said...

Wow~!!! Thanks for your permission, and i'll translate in Thai again^^~.

answer your question::

yes, i came to see them and always to meet them everytimes that they come to thailand. so cute~ but i'm so jealous you to see their solo performance ToT~~

anyway, shinee made best impression for me everytimes that they came in. so nice idol~!! ^^)b